Top Notch Talent Sought
When it comes to hair care, Versacchi is the best of the best.
When we choose stylists and customer care professionals - they’re the cream of the crop. Engaging, energetic and passionate, but provocative and daring as well.
We don’t only style hair, but offer an extensive range of hair care services, from therapeutic lasers to CTR hair restoration plus hair replacements for chemotherapy patients. Our stylists and hair technicians understand that working with those in need such as cancer patients is not only personally rewarding and satisfying – it is also giving something back for the greater good.
We know not everyone is cut out to make a mark in this specialized field, and for those people any ordinary studio will suit them just fine. But at Versacchi, ordinary and average just don’t make the grade.minoxidil |hair piece |wigs|baldness|hair replacements